Partners in Ministry

As a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, we are the Church.  But we are not the Church by ourselves.  We are also the Church as part of the Virginia Synod and the whole ELCA (and the whole Christian Church on earth).  We do ministry interdependently with our Bishop, Jim Mauney, and the synod office, and also with our Presiding Bishop, Elizabeth Eaton, and the churchwide organization.

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) – God’s work.  Our hands.

Virginia Synod, ELCA – Ambassadors for Christ!

Our Partners in Mission

Living Lutheran

Lutheran Family Services of Virginia

Generations Crossing

Our Partner ELCA Congregations in Harrisonburg-Rockingham

Trinity Lutheran Church

Muhlenberg Lutheran Church

Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church

Timberville Lutheran Parish (Rader and St. Paul’s)