
The Only Language That Matters

Our American, historically Christian and English-speaking society has never been more diverse than it is today.  That may be disorienting to many.  But to those who are more recent immigrants to this country (we’re all immigrants), and those who have grown up outside of the church, we are the ones […]

Telling Our Stories

What the world worships as unknown, this God we know intimately.  This God makes a claim on us.  This God we proclaim to the world.   The 6th Sunday of Easter – May 25, 2014 – John 14:15-21, Acts 17:22-31, Psalm 66:8-20

Welcome Home

Often the life of faith is described as a long and winding road – a road we can fall off of at any time!  Thomas, like us, is looking for turn-by-turn, GPS directions for how to find God at long last.  But Jesus is right in front of him, and […]

The One Voice to Hear

There are many voices calling to us in the midst of our noisy, often chaotic, lives.  How can we hear the voice of Jesus in the midst of them all?  Listen for the voice calling you and the world to abundant life.   The 4th Sunday of Easter – May […]

Resurrection is Reality

Matthew’s version of the familiar Easter story is filled with details you might associate with an action-adventure movie, but it is no Hollywood magic.  The Resurrection of Jesus is our reality – we’re living in it. The Resurrection of Our Lord, Easter Sunday Matthew 28:1-10 – Pastor Evan Davis

Dirty, Grimy Feet

A little nervous about getting your feet washed by a stranger?  You’re in good company.  But this kind of in-your-face honesty and vulnerability is what Jesus is all about. Maundy Thursday – April 17, 2014 John 13 – Pastor Evan Davis


SPOILER ALERT – If you don’t want to know how this whole Jesus thing is going to turn out, don’t listen to this week’s sermon…. 5th Sunday in Lent – Sunday, April 6, 2014 – Psalm 130, John 11:1-45  

Holy Week Worship

Holy Week Worship at St. Jacob’s April 13-20, 2014   PALM SUNDAY / SUNDAY OF THE PASSION – April 13, 11am On Sunday, April 13, our liturgy begins with the Palm Sunday procession, commemorating Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Quickly the tone of the service changes as we meditate upon […]