
Livin’ On a Promise

Bon Jovi said we’re livin’ on a prayer, and we are…but we might adjust the language to “livin’ on a promise.”  That was Abram’s life, and we are called to live the same way – on nothing more than the promise of God.  A promise that we will not be […]

What’s in Your Wallet?

No, I’m not Samuel L. Jackson trying to sell you a credit card.  But what makes us who we are?  And what voices are trying to convince us that we’re not who God says we are?  Watch out for those snakes… 1st Sunday in Lent (Year A) – Sunday, March […]

We Are Wearing No Clothes….

Got your attention didn’t I?  Ash Wednesday is a day and a time for truth.  In the truth of praying Psalm 51, we are set free from any lies about ourselves, or any lies about God.  The truth shall make you free, somebody smart said once… 🙂  In the freedom […]

No One But Jesus – March 2, 2014

The Transfiguration of Our Lord – Exodus 24:12-18, Matthew 17:1-9 People are always looking for an amazing display of the glory of God.  We might call those “mountaintop experiences.”  And Peter, James, and John got one of those in today’s reading.  But when all the bright lights went away, they […]