
Whose House??

Sometimes we think the church and the house of faith is OUR house.  But it’s GOD’s house, and God decides who’s invited.  In fact, God already has in Christ.  God builds his house through our hands, as we share the word of faith we’ve received – amazing news! Listen to […]

What About Israel?

As Christians, we often wonder about our relationship with Jews.  Oh and if you didn’t notice, Israel is in the news quite a bit these days.  So, what about Israel, anyways?   8th Sunday after Pentecost – August 3, 2014 Romans 9:1-5, Isaiah 55:1-5 – Pastor Evan Davis 8th Sunday […]

You’re in the Will!

As the Church, we’ve spent a lot of time worrying about who’s in the will and who’s out.  Who gets the inheritance of Christ and who doesn’t?  The good news for us is that we’ve been written into God’s will in the blood of Jesus Christ, crucified and risen.  That […]

Changed by the Good News

The good news CHANGES us.  It does not leave us the same.  The apostle Paul is serving up some serious good news in Romans 8:1, which we heard today as we travel through the letter this summer.  At Power in the Spirit, our Virginia Synod ministry conference last week, I […]

Why Can’t We Just Be Good?

There are many things we want, and need, to stop doing.  Or to start.  But no matter how much we want to do the things we know we should, we can’t.  Why can’t we just be good? Paul’s answer, and Martin Luther’s, is because we are addicted to sin – […]

Purpose and Guiding Principles

On Sunday, June 29, 2014, after about four months of listening to God in scripture, listening to each other in conversation, and prayer, we formally adopted this purpose statement and these guiding principles as a congregation.  They will be the rock that grounds us in God’s mission as we go […]

How Can Slaves Be Free?

As we here in the U.S. celebrate Independence Day this week, I hope we consider what it means to be free.  But as Christians, part of the worldwide Body of Christ, let’s consider what the apostle Paul thought about freedom (and by extension, Martin Luther, who was one of Paul’s […]

Dead or Alive?

We spend an awful lot of our lives worrying about ourselves.  Rather than “how do I lead a good life?”, what if our questions instead were about God and our neighbors? “Dead or Alive?” – Romans 6:1b-11 – June 22, 2014 Pastor Evan Davis

Livin’ the (God’s) Dream

What are human beings that you should care for them, God?  The question of Psalm 8 is one we’ve all asked at one point or another.  What is life all about?  What is the meaning or purpose of our normal, everyday lives?  In the 8th psalm and in the creation […]