
On God’s Side

With two weeks until the election, a lot of people are asking “whose side are you on?”  But what does it mean to be on God’s side?   19th Sunday after Pentecost (Year A) – Sunday, October 19, 2014 – Isaiah 45:1-9, Matthew 22:15-22 St. Jacob’s-Spaders Lutheran Church, Harrisonburg, Virginia […]

God Is One of Us

What does God look like?  And what does God desire for the world?  In many ways, our whole religion is about responding to these questions.  The chief priests and elders in Jerusalem thought they knew all the answers.  Sometimes we do.  But Jesus always keeps surprising us.   17th Sunday […]

Enough is Enough

How much is enough?  This is no simple question, and yet it is one we are all called to answer for ourselves.  God has a vision for our life, a vision that God teaches the people of Israel in the desert wilderness.  Day after day, God feeds his people just […]

Seeing Gratitude

Big surprise – life isn’t fair.  And thank God that God isn’t fair either.  Replacing our sense of fairness with a sense of gratitude can change our lives. 15th Sunday after Pentecost – Sunday, September 21, 2014 – Matthew 20:1-16 St. Jacob’s-Spaders Lutheran Church, Harrisonburg, Virginia “Seeing Gratitude” – Pastor […]

God Finds a Way

Forgiveness can never be forced, but it is the only way forward.  God always finds a way to love and forgive us. 14th Sunday after Pentecost – Sunday, September 14, 2014 – Genesis 50:15-21, Matthew 18:21-35 St. Jacob’s-Spaders Lutheran Church, Harrisonburg, Virginia “God Finds a Way” – Pastor Evan Davis […]

How Do We Confront Evil?

It is so easy to, as the apostle Paul says, to “be overcome by evil.”  It is much harder to “overcome evil with good.”  A closer look at what’s going on in Ferguson, Missouri, shows that very clearly.   12th Sunday after Pentecost – August 31, 2014 Romans 12:9-21, Matthew […]

A Little Odd

It’s hard work keeping up with the Joneses, but we try.  If we’re honest with ourselves, in one way or another we follow the trends and try to buy, think, speak, and act like the crowd.  But when we get down to it, following Jesus is walking a different path. […]

What About My…Who Doesn’t Believe?

We all have friends, family, neighbors and co-workers who do not share our Christian faith.  What about them?  It’s a loaded question, but we will explore it this week.   10th Sunday after Pentecost – Sunday, August 17, 2014 St. Jacob’s-Spaders Lutheran Church – Pastor Evan Davis Romans 11:1-2a, 29-32 […]