
Greetings, Thank you for checking out Trinity/St.Jacob’s Evangelical Lutheran congregation.  You will find this to be a diverse group of people.  We are gathered around word and sacraments because we have been claimed though grace by Jesus Christ.  Out of this one common calling, through our Baptisms, we respond in myriad ways to worship God and serve him and all of his creation.  As you explore this website you will find examples of this joyful life lived in the love of our savior.  You are welcome to visit worship or any of the activities described here.  All of our activities are open to all including worship and Holy Communion.  If you have any questions please email , call the church office, contact us  through our Facebook page . God’s blessings!

In person worship service at St. Jacob’s-Spaders is at
11 a.m. each Sunday.

We are still being cautious as we continue to live out the Gospel by caring for one another.

The peace will be shared without moving from one’s place.  A basket will be in the entrance area for offerings.  One of the services will be recorded and available online for those not gathering


3555 Spaders Church Road, Mt. Crawford, VA 22841


Holy Communion is celebrated at every worship service.